Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Katie's homecoming - more

Katie gave her homecoming talk at Sacrament Sunday and did such a terrific job. I was so impressed by her spirit and touched by the things she taught. She was good enough to send me a copy of her talk so any of you who missed it let me know if you want a copy. She began her talk with the following poem. I loved it! Before you read it please remember Joseph Smith's comments to the early saints when he said, "When you joined this church you enlisted to serve God. When you did that you left neutral ground." The poem, written by Bob Moorehead:

I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
The dye has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made.
I won't look back, let up, slow down, or be still
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure.
I'm finished and done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence, positions, promotions, plaudits, or popularity.
I don't have to be right, first, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded.
I now live by Faith, lean on HIS presence, walk with patience.
I am uplifted by prayer, and labor with power.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven.
My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, divided or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid for the cause of Christ.
I must go till he comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till he stops me.
And when He returns for His Own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My Banner will be clear.

It is this mother's prayer that we might each strive to live that He will have no problem recognizing us when He returns for he will see His image in our countenance.

Katie and Aunt Peggy, Aunt Marijke

Katie's Homecoming

Katie and some of her girlfriends after church.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm not sure...Am I ever?

Cedar is our newest member of the church! We are growing, ever growing! I added some pictures below but they didn't (never do) turn out as I had planned. The top pic is of Greg showing off the fire engine to the little girls. McKenna was SO excited to see a REAL fire engine and was really impressed that her Uncle Greg was a fireman!

We had the baptism at the stake house in Castle Dale. That was a little bit of a blip for some of us who thought the font was in Orangeville! However, we all got there eventually. Kim played the piano, Misha led the singing and we sang "When I am Baptized", Braden said the invocation and Ashlynne gave a great talk! After Ashlynne's talk the cousins and aunts and mom (Jen) sang "Let the Holy Spirit Guide". Beautiful! A really neat arrangement and such wonderful voices! And, then Cedar was baptized by her grandpa, Reese Jewkes! She got to go under the water twice and she was glowing! After the baptism both grandmas gave little talks. Uncle Buff confirmed Cedar. We sang "I am trying to be like Jesus" and Chase gave the benediction. It was wonderful! Then we left the church, went down to the firehouse in Orangeville and had lunch. It was great! Misha and Chuck were down with their kids (more pictures later), Breck was here with her kids. We missed our college kid but the rest were all there. It is always so fun to have everyone together. I loved it!

Cedar is Baptised!

Uncle Greg is the HERO! Showin' off the fire truck to two little ones.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Better late than never right!???

me pretending to cook, brit and gwen ACTUALLY cooking, my boring family room before i decorated it, my closet trying to fit everything, my bedroom!

Hey!! it's steph, just a quick update on life in idaho..

1. it's freezing. seriously, my nose hairs have never turned to icicles like this before

2. no. cute. boys. i know, horrible. At least it means i won't be getting married anytime soon!!

3.roommates.. (britney aka the super smarty pants and gwen the one with a missionary that likes to laugh.. ok i couldn't really think of anything for her sorry) they think i'm insane. I probably am insane. :) I always think of such great ideas like yesterday we rode in my laundry basket down a hill of snow. It took alot of convincing but they finally agreed, much to britney's dismay everyone thought we were hilarious. oh yeah... i also made them wear all black and lipstick. As you can tell, theres not alot to do in idaho

4. My appt. is pretty small and it makes funny noises but atleast it's a place to get out of the stormy weather.

5. i'm totally cleaner than my mom leads me on to be.. i for reals haven't even had a problem keepin it spotless around here meaning.. david's a pig. :) (love you dude)

6. classes aren't necissarily hard but it's alot of work work work.

7. i miss you all!! hope to see you soon!

p.s. i'm having more fun than it sounds like in this but it still is very boring.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Cedar!

Cedar turned ***8*** today! Happy Birthday, darlin girl. Even though we couldn't be together today, I know we will have a GREAT party with everyone this Saturday for your baptism! We are all so proud of you!