Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving/Black Friday

And, as always, the holiday was wonderful. BUT first, one minor little catastrophe. Wednesday night there suddenly erupted a loud explosion of expletives from the back of the house. It seems the plumbing in my bathroom was out of control with the toilet running over and coming up the shower and was a major mess for several hours before we could get things cleaned up enough to go to bed. The next morning Jeff, Jason, and Cody took on the mess with a plumbers snake; Rebecca and I tackled inside the house and tried to get dinner sort of ready. We faked it pretty good but if Jason hadn't pitched in inside we would never have made it! We ate on paper plates, no tablecloths on the tables, and even forgot napkins. Oh well, we have our Christmas party coming up on the 6th and I will try to be better prepared. For today, I am really, really grateful for indoor plumbing and even more grateful when it works! And most particularly for children and grandchildren who can roll with the punches. We had a great visit and lots of fun. Jeff and Kim were with the Behlings and Rosanda and her little brood didn't make it up but I think they had a great day too.
Thursday night everyone went on home. I followed Breck and Jason up (really they followed me) and spent the night there. The plan was that I would stay with the little ones the next morning while Jason and Breck did the 4 a.m. shopping dance. Then, they would return and Breck and I would meet the other girls to shop. What really happened was Rebecca was up all night, sick. I got up and met Misha at 7 and we shopped till we met up with Jen and Chris (Bell). Rebecca was able to join us later in the day. Kim was trying to ice fish and fighting off what must have been the same bug. Not sure how those two got sick but they are both fine, as I write. Anyway, we did some fun shopping, didn't buy all that much but had a great day. With the shopping behind us, Jen, Misha, Steph and Jess and I went to see "Twilight" and Misha went on home and the rest of us went out to eat! Those two girls are SO precious! We laughed and laughed and had to finally get Jessica out of there because "Julio" wanted to run away with her! Whew! Close one!
And, today Jen and Breck and I went to Body World. I loved it a second time. Rebecca thought it was really good but Jen thought it wasn't nearly gory enough for her! Oh well. We met Jason and the kids for lunch at The Olive Garden. Breanna has been sick for a couple of weeks but seems back to her sweet self again and entertained her grandma. The Jones' went on home and Jen and I continued some shopping. We hit Mervin's and Linens and Things, both having quitting business sales but they must have spent the last week raising their prices so they could do a 50% off sale. Nothing to buy at those prices at either store.
Jenn and I stopped off at Misha and Chuck's for last minute hugs and loves before coming on home and I took Jen home and caught some hugs there before those little ones ran off to bed (under threat from their mom that Santa had his eye on them!).
Happy Holidays my dearest ones.

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