Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm never going to get the hang of this - Steve and Glenna

I thought I was going to post in order so Hailey's game picture was first and then Ellie and then on to news of Steve and Glenna. I'll get it...I'm just not sure in what lifetime! Anyway, So those of you who remember Karen and Glen Jensen's daughter, Glenna and her husband, Steve will appreciate the update. Just before Christmas they were here visiting Karen and Glen and while here Steve suffered a massive stroke. It left him with no vision in his right eye, and no use of his left leg and arm. He could talk but was a little muddled. Anyway, now he has spent five weeks at Utah Valley and is being released to just stay at his sister's and do PT five days a week. He still can't see or use his left arm. HOWEVER, he is walking, using his legs really well! He has maintained his sense of humor and had us laughing at his stories of catheters, falling out of bed, and giving us some insight into learning to walk again. He said he has to concentrated a bunch to get his left leg to work. As he walks along, thinking he's doing a great job, the PT asks him what 2x2 is and Steve says "4" and then falls over. The PT asks "what color is that ladies hair?" Steve says "Red" and falls to the ground. All the time he is talking he has that big smile on his face and there isn't a trace of self pity at all. What a couple! It was fun to see them and see Steve doing so well.

Also, remember Roy and Mary Ann Oviatt? Nicki's mom and dad? Roy had a stroke about a week after Steve and he is coming home this week to do PT here in Price. This is his second stroke so that is a little scary but he is doing well, getting most of his problems behind him and we are all praying for him as well. To visit at Utah Valley you have to have a "password or pin number" or they wont let you in. So, we didn't get to see Roy. I'll try to keep you posted. In the meantime Jen, if you know how to contact Nicki she'd probably love to hear a friendly voice.
And, I have a SS lesson to finish up so I'm closing this. Have I told you how much I love you and appreciate you? You are the best family in the world. No wonder the Lord thought I could be here w/o your dad. He knew I would be spoiled like always. Thank you. You are so amazing; every last one of you!

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