Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday Update

We had a family Christmas party/Birthday Party on Saturday afternoon. The scheduling wasn't great; lots of really important people weren't able to make it BUT, it was the best we could do. I work next week end and the next one is so close to Christmas I didn't think that would work either, so we went with it. We began as soon as everyone gathered and the cousins all opened gifts. We took a little longer this year, reminding each child who was giving them the gift and giving thanks and hugs to the giver. Lots of cute pictures and I will try to share those on a side bar maybe tonight but soon for sure.
We had stuffed mushrooms, dutch cheese and crackers, punch made from an old family recipe which the little ones LOVE! Let's see, it's pineapple juice, sprite, and Hawaiian punch. Very difficult but I tried to dress it up with an ice ring of the H. punch, thanks to Angie's freezer. Umm.. we had chicken noodle soup, rolls, salad, cheese stuffed celery, and THEN birthday cake and ice cream after Happy Birthday was sung to McKenna who turned four today! It was a fun day but here are a few of my favorite highlights. Breanna loving on Aunt Melissa. She was clearly a favorite. Chase telling us, "I never thought I would ever get a "tamagotchi"! I've wanted one, and wanted one, but I never thought I would get one!" To say he was thilled is an understatement. Meinkina singing "I'm a rock star" over and over for us. Her little lisp and being so tiny makes the whole thing perfect. And, I know it is probably a grandma thing but her "adlibed" line "And, you're dumb." is so cute! McKenna after church today, receiving a b'd present from Angie saying "Thank you, guys!" over and over again. Steph telling us how her roommate is going to flip over her pink frying pan. And...I guess I could go on and on and on.
NOTE: Jessica organized a charity FHE for their ward for tomorrow, monday! Instead of neighbor gifts they all go to a party (hosted by one of the YW or YM) and donate to a charity. Sounds like a wonderful idea but a lot to take on! We are so proud of you, Jessi.
Brynlee is not feeling well. Has a high fever and her mom thinks it's a UTI.
Jen is singing a solo part in the Christmas choir this month.
And, grandma is teaching RS next week, speaking in Sacrament meeting, and teaching Gospel Doctrine on the 28th. WE COULD ALL USE YOUR PRAYERS!


Wendy Lojik said...

And these are some of the best things in life and they happen in where else ELMO!

Stephanie said...

that pic of me really has got to go, i look fat and like i have rosacia.. niether of which are true!! bah ew, lets get a better one.